Nursing Home vs. Home Care? Which Is Better for Your Aging Family?

The Baby Boomer generation is the most populous generation with 74 million members. Those aged 52 to 70 are beginning to reach the age where they’ll need more assistance with daily living as some of their health begins to decline.

Then there are the members of the Silent generation who are already experiencing the stresses of aging. No matter what generation you’re a part of, at some point, you’ll have to deal with making some decisions about certain family members when their health begins to fail.

Nursing home vs. home care is a big decision to make. It’s never an easy one. But when you have the right information, it makes choosing between nursing home care packages vs. home care providers a lot easier.

To help you out, we’re sharing with you the significant differences between a nursing home vs. home care. Keep reading to help you make the right decision.

Addressing the Access to Proper Care Given in a Nursing Home Vs. Home Care

Many people wonder if home care providers can give the same type of care in a private home rather than a nursing home. That’s because a nursing home is the most convenient way to ensure immediate access to medical-grade nursing care around the clock.

However, before you consider a nursing home, always check with what type of care and attention they offer. Some facilities allow for flexibility depending on what type of care they need.

You may be able to reduce and increase the amount of care depending on the health of your family member. They may require knee surgery where more care is necessary until they recover and can go back to their routine.

And some residences offer the ability to treat couples, especially if one requires more attention than the other, which allows them to maintain their usual routines.

If you aren’t able to visit as often as you’d like, you can arrange to have nursing home care packages sent. This lets your family member know they’re thought of and loved even when you can’t physically be there.

However, nursing homes also tend to have restrictive rules that you may not agree with. And, if the food is bad, your loved one can’t do much about it. At home, you can ensure your family member gets to eat healthy meals they actually enjoy while maintaining their independence.

Choosing the Type of Home Care Providers That are Best for Your Needs

For those who prefer to have care provided for their loved one at home, they’re looking for stress-free home care. But that only works if you know how to find the right type of care.

Before choosing a company, it’s essential to determine what type of care your family member needs. You’ll also need to consider how much care they will need and when they will need it.

Many agencies provide a whole range of services from preparing meals and grooming to companionship, and even intensive medical care. You can even arrange for at-home physical therapy sessions.

And you can choose how much, how often, and what type of care your family member receives.

Addressing the Familiarity of Home

Many people are reluctant to place their family member in a home because they fear it will be too distressing for their loved one to be removed from their home permanently.

It’s difficult for anyone to give up their sense of independence and move to a strange location that may be far from friends or family. It’s even more difficult if that person has a pet.

This is especially true for people who are suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. Being in a place that’s unfamiliar can cause huge stress and upset on them and everyone in the family.

However, you can reduce their stress by getting them familiar with the place before they live there permanently. You can also make moving day easier by making sure extra friends and family are there to ease the transition.

Also, if the family member is no longer able to care for their home properly, it becomes another financial burden to hire people to upkeep the place if no family members are around to care for the home.

Then there are the safety issues associated with the elderly in their own homes. A nursing home already has safety protocols in place to ensure your family member stays safe.


Thanks to more companies offering at-home care services, affordable home care is now a reality. However, much of that depends on how much care your loved one needs.

If the family member requires a lot of medical attention and care, a nursing home may be less expensive. And home health care agencies usually charge by the hour.

However, studies do show that those who are cared for at home tend to recuperate from illnesses faster and live longer. Those who stay in their homes also are usually surrounded by friends and family, making it easier for them to stay mentally healthy.

Do a cost analysis of a nursing home vs. home care to see which will be less expensive. Check to see if insurance will cover any of the costs associated with ensuring your senior family member has the best care possible.

Stay Healthy

Sometimes, the unavoidable happens, and you are forced to make decisions for loved ones who can’t fend for themselves. Choosing between nursing home and home care is never an easy decision.

It’s at those times you feel the most helpless and burdened.

But you can do something. Learning how to keep yourself and your loved ones as healthy as possible will make a big difference in reducing the costs associated with health care.

Our blog can help. We’re always sharing tips on how to get and stay as healthy as possible. Click here to learn about our latest health tips.

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