Is Remote Healthcare the Future of Medicine?

The United States spends more money annually on health care than any other country in the world.

And that number is only expected to go up.

With the rising cost of healthcare and the out of whack patient to doctor ratio, something in our healthcare system has to give. There is no way we can continue to operate as we have been and still keep people alive.

That’s where the future of medicine comes in.

The Future of Medicine

Remote healthcare isn’t a new idea. Certain aspects of this technology have been used since the early 1990s. However, we have been implementing new technology with these old ideas to bring about a medical revolution.

Most people, and certainly all doctors, have smartphones. There are already apps out there that allow doctors to talk to each other on a safe, secure network. Doctors carry their phones and laptops around from room to room, often using them to take pictures and store other important medical information.

But now things are changing.

When you combine smartphones and a sensor, you can take measurements of anything you want within the body in real-time, instantly.

This can be something simple like an EKG or something as in depth as a sensor installed in an artificial implant. When you pair modern technology with medicine, you wind up with something wonderful.

But remote healthcare doesn’t have to seem like a far out, science fiction reality. Even something as simple as connecting with your doctor via smartphone or Skype is a way to help you receive the best care possible.

Putting remote healthcare and telemedicine out on the market allows patients to connect with specialists instantly.

Silicon Technology

When we talk about telehealthcare, it would be remiss if we didn’t mention the leaps and bounds that are being made in the community.

The University of Illinois is working on a special kind of technology: a silicone implant.

This technology can go on any part of the body. It doesn’t even have to be implanted. You might not even know that you’re wearing it. There are possibilities of this being used as a pacemaker or cochlear implant.

Imagine a world where you can be remotely monitored by a physician with a device like a heart monitor. This not only allows the doctor to have instant access to your vitals and other important measurements, it can alert them to an issue before you are even aware of it.

The benefits of such a technology are immeasurable.

Video Visits

There is no sign quite as obvious that technology is entering our medical field than the implementation of video visits in our health care routine.

When we allow for video-based conferences with our doctor, we change so much about the way we treat health care. So often people who lead busy lives or live far away from the city let their healthcare fall lax. Now, there’s no need to.

When our doctor is just a video call away, whether it’s for normal checkups or emergency visits, we have an added peace of mind.

Modern Innovations

Networking companies are already starting to work closely with medical experts to create custom-designed hardware for these exact purposes.

An entire network devoted to keeping people healthy from a remote location can change the game. It can cut the time between issues and resolutions down drastically.

When a doctor can reach you, the patient, and a fellow doctor to have a consultation all on the same network, it allows for faster connections and less time spent waiting.

Glucose Monitoring

There is no way in which remote healthcare could be more life-changing than that of diabetic patients.

A world in which all glucose monitoring was done remotely would mean less invasive procedures and a faster, easier way to connect with your physician in case of an issue.


  1. Lowering Costs

When you can provide your doctor with all of the necessary measurements that they need in order to track your health without needing a costly blood draw, you’re saving money.

Additionally, having all of this information readily available saves time and frees doctors up to do more each day.

  1. Fast-Changing

It’s no secret that we have a rising elderly population. With the increase of more sick people to care for, we are running into an issue where our doctors simply do not have enough time to care for all of us.

This leads to long wait times and an increased chance of error.

With the way this technology is growing, a remote visit to your doctor would cost so much less and free up many manpower hours.

  1. You Don’t Have to Go to a Brick-and-Mortar Office

When you can call your doctor up and have a video chat complete with your vitals and other information, you can do it from anywhere. This means you no longer have to miss work or school.

  1. Empowering Patients

Perhaps one of the most important aspects that remote healthcare can do for us is empowering patients. It allows us to take our healthcare into our hands so we can make the best decisions for ourselves.

  1. Free Up Hospital Space

Hospital visits can cost upwards of $1,500 a day, and that’s being conservative. But more than that, hospitals have to constantly churn people out of their beds in order to keep up with the demand of sick people.

This isn’t a process that works for anyone.

Telemedicine can allow for doctors to keep tabs on patients while they are in the comfort of their own home, or another health care facility, without needing to stay in the hospital. This improves quality of life for older adults.



As with all advancing technology, security is an issue. However, it is the responsibility of the healthcare provider and the networking platforms to ensure that they are using the best, most up to date security features.

Remote Healthcare

The world of medicine is changing. Remote healthcare is the future of medicine, for everyone from family doctors to unique specialists.

It can save time, money, and the hassle of heading to a doctor’s office for every routine appointment. But it also has a wider use for specialists.

For more health tips and information, check out our blog today!

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