A Change Of Course: How To Switch Careers Without Losing Any Sleep
You’ve run the logistics through in your head a thousand times. In order to start a new career, you’re going to have to get more education, build experience in your chosen field, and reinvent yourself as a professional.
There are so many things that will have to change in order to make your dream happen that it almost seems insurmountable. But knowing how to switch careers properly can help lower your stress and make your goal seem more reachable.
You deserve your dream career. Read on for tips to make the change without feeling overwhelmed.
Realize You’re the Writer of Your Story
Many people go through life feeling like everything is happening to them. They’re stuck in their job, surrounded by people they don’t like, and don’t know how to change things.
But the truth is, if you live in America, then you have the opportunity to try any career that you want to put your mind to. Only you are the writer of your story and you control the pen that writes your happy ending.
Decide You’re Worth It
Many people don’t take steps toward their goals because they feel like they don’t have the skills or talent to get where they want to be. But starting something new will always feel overwhelming.
It will take time and dedication to get where you want to be. Decide your happiness is worth it and put the time and money in to establish yourself in your new field. Then, you will have the rest of your life to enjoy your success.
Take Advantage of Online Services
Online services like Find My Profession are great resources for finding new opportunities in your chosen career field. Make sure you look online at job hunt boards and networking sites as well for a robust employment strategy.
Find the Right Education Opportunities
If you’re trying to start a career in something like science or technology, then you will most likely need formal education. Make sure you shop around to find a school that offers a program that works for you.
Don’t jump into classes that don’t make sense for your schedule, budget, and abilities. Look high and low for the program that will meet your individual needs. There are so many different ways to learn something.
And if you don’t have a lot of money for formal education, then consider learning some skills on YouTube and taking tests for certifications instead. You will be able to learn the skills you need to get a job and have something to prove your abilities, without getting a hefty bill after the fact.
Don’t Take Out a Bunch of Loans
In the United States, there is more student loan debt than any other kind, including credit card debt. With everyone suffering but still making the choice to take out loans, you may start to feel like that must be your only option.
But there are a ton of different ways to get your education and find a job. Look high and low for programs that will work for your needs in your price range.
Pro Tip: The last thing you want is to get part of the way through a program having taken out loans and not finish. Make sure you are 100% committed to anything that you borrow money for.
Be Frugal with Your Finances
While you are learning your new profession, you need to keep your expenses as low as possible even if you are still working. This is so that you can begin to build yourself a cushion for your transition period.
The more money you have in the bank, the more risks you will be able to take when seeking employment and the longer you can wait for the right opportunity to come along.
Keep Up with Your Health
When you are training for a new career and trying to maintain your old job at the same time, you will be incredibly busy.
It’s important that you do everything you can to keep your mind and body in the best shape possible so that you can accomplish your goals.
Maintain Your Schedule Effectively
Managing your schedule will also be paramount to your ability to shift careers. You will need to keep multiple to-do lists for each of your professions while you are straddling two and figure out how your responsibilities will align.
It’s a good idea to make a to-do list the night before for a busy day so that you can prioritize your tasks and make the most of your time.
Overcome Imposter Syndrome
When you start a career in something new, you’re going to be a beginner. That’s difficult to accept for people who are used to being advanced in their field. But just like you learned to do the job you have now, you can learn to do the career you love too.
All you have to do is get the training that you need. Unfortunately, many people finish their training, accept a job, and realize on day one that it’s a lot more complicated than they originally thought. They may freeze up if they don’t know what to do and feel like an imposter.
Know that imposter syndrome is extremely common. Everyone feels nervous about their abilities when they first learn to do something. Just hang in there, ask a lot of questions, and humble yourself.
How to Switch Careers
Now that you know how to switch careers without overwhelming yourself, it’s time for you to make a plan for the education and training you will need for your new profession.
Check out our posts on education today for guidance.