How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently – Top 10 Ways

If you are one of the bed bug attack victims, then you might have asked: “Where do bed bugs come from?” They are on your bed, on the mattress, hidden in furniture, your clothes and in many other things. As getting rid of bed bugs for good health is your topmost priority I can understand what you are going through right now.

A woman in America won a $800,000 lawsuit against her landlord for intentionally concealing the fact from her that his house had a bed bug infestation. She had to suffer a lot from those gruesome bed bug bites until the time she got rid of bed bugs and also her landlord.

Before I discuss with you the best way to get rid of bed bugs forever and how to get rid of bed bugs fast, let us see how severe is the problem of bed bugs.

What Causes Bed Bugs to Become One of the Most Intriguing Attacker

  • According to a report produced by Medical News Today, among every 5 citizens of the USA 1 is currently facing the problem of bed bug infestation.
  • According to the Bugs Without Borders Study of 2015, bed bug treatments are on the rise more than ever since the last 15 years.
  • As mentioned on Foxnews, Dr Ron Harrison, Orkin Entomologist and Director of Technical Services said that “Bed bugs only needs blood for their survival. We’ve treated for bed bugs in everything from a million dollar house to public housing facilities.”
  • Bed bugs are compared to monsters because they can survive without food for months. This makes it difficult to fully get rid of bed bugs.
  • A bed bug bite causes itchiness even after a long time of their bite. Rashes on your skin can hurt you deeply even making you feel embarrassed if they are on the exposed area of your skin.
  • It should be noted that if 3,80,000 hungry bed bugs run down on a human for their meal they’ll suck that man completely dry in just one week.
  • In favorable conditions, it just needs 9 weeks for a recently hatched bed bug to grow to the potential of producing more bed bugs.
  • Must Read – How To Organize and Declutter Your Home – Checklist

Finding the Permanent Solution For Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

You might be trying hard to get rid of this ruthless predator, but using the bed bugs spray after every 4 weeks cannot help you out.  You need a thorough bed bug treatment to fight this ordeal. First, you need to analyze bed bug signs and bed bug symptoms.

Don’t put your weapons down against this ruthless attacker. By following these 10 Ways mentioned below you can surely win this fight and get rid of bed bugs.

  1. Treating Bugs with heat

Bed bugs cannot survive at high temperature nor do their eggs. The most common area where they flourish is your bed. So exposing your bed, mattress, clothes or any other thing to sunlight for some days will result in killing bed bugs and their eggs. You need to do this regularly in order to permanently get rid of them.

  1. Cleaning up things

Washing clothes, bed sheets, mattress, and other washable things in hot water is an efficient way to get rid of bed bugs. The water needs to be at 104-122 degree F (40-50 degree C) and your belongings should be kept for at least 10 minutes. It is also seen that soaking clothes in cold water for 24 hours can also have an effect to a certain extent.

An Infested bag, luggage, soft toys can be put in the dryer for 10 minutes. This will kill bugs altogether.

  1. Using hot steam

Spraying hot steam on bed bugs regularly can reduce them and their eggs. Bed bugs fear hot steam. So you can use a hot steamer or electric kettle to exterminate them from your sofa or corners of your home.

  1. Deploying the Vaccum Cleaner

Take hold of your vacuum cleaner to reach the hidden bed bugs in your mattress, carpets, bed and couch. A Vacuum cleaner can suck them up from cracks inside wall, giving no chance for them to escape. You should then transfer all the residue from the vacuum cleaner to a plastic bag and should dispose it as soon as possible.

  1. Arranging for a full house repair

Cracks and crevices are the best places where bed bugs enjoy their leisure. Sealing all these cracks and crevices will leave these evildoers no place to hide or lay eggs.

  1. Pesticides

Use some good pesticides on the cracks and crevices. In order to permanently get rid of bed bugs you need to regularly spray pesticides on them.

Please be careful with your children or pets when using pesticides. I’ll suggest you hire a professional for this work.

  1. Dehydrating substances

Use the powder of Silica gel on bed bugs. When sprayed on bed bugs Silica gel dehydrates them resulting in their death. But it is better to use another substance called Diatomaceous Earth because it gives good results and it is also not harmful to children.

  1. Restricting the import

You cannot permanently get rid of bed bugs until you find the sources through which they invade your home. It is seen that we tend to unwittingly import bed bugs to our homes when we visit the home of our friend or relative who has a bed bug infestation.

It will not make any sense to cleanse your own house because even if a couple of bed bugs migrate to your home all your efforts to get rid of them will go in vain.

  1. Home remedies

You can try home remedies to get rid of bed bugs infestation. Spraying tea tree oil on the infested area kills bed bugs. There are other home remedies like Neem Oil, Lavender Oil, Baking Soda.

  1. Taking help of pest control

If you feel that the problem of bed bugs is considerably large and you cannot alone win the fight against them it is best to take the help of a reputable Pest Control company. These professionals are trained to find the infestations and they can surely help you with killing those ones that cannot be easily detected by you.

The bed bug treatment cost is always going to be less than the losses these bed bugs are going to make.

Wrapping Up

The fight against bed bugs is not easy. But, I can assure you that you can gain victory over them if  you carefully follow the tips mentioned above to get rid of bed bugs.

This will surely need a lot of patience but in the end you’ll get a good sleep in the night and of course a sense of accomplishment.

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