Fat Trap: How to Avoid Putting on Those Extra Pounds
Obesity is not a disease but a condition and something that you can choose to eliminate by making a few healthy choices. If you are worried about how to avoid putting on those extra pounds, then read on to learn more. You would be surprised to learn that when it comes to Fat trap and how to lose weight and keep it off permanently, a few simple tips and healthy living can make the impossible happen.
Obesity is one of the major contributors to the onset of various health issues, from cardiovascular health issues, strokes, type 2 diabetes, impaired cognitive abilities, including certain types of cancer.
In fact, according to the CDC, more than one third of adults in the US tend to be obese, causing a spurt in cardiovascular health issues and other obesity related health disorders.
Given the fact that annual medical cost for obesity and obesity related disorders stood at $147 billion (2008), it goes without saying that you need to avoid the fat trap and take effective measures to avoid putting on those extra pounds. With these simple tips, you should be able to lose weight in no time at all.
Fat Trap, Tips on How to Avoid Putting on Those Extra Pounds
1Drink Lots of Water
(Fat Trap: Tips on Eating Healthy and Losing Weight)
Your body is composed of nearly 70% water so it is but natural for water to play a constituent role when it comes to weight loss. All you need to do is to drink a few glasses of lukewarm water, with some lemon juice (the natural sort, not concentrate) to avoid the fat trap.
It is important that you drink this lemon water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach and it should help revitalize your metabolism, as well as help curb your appetite. In fact, lemon water is the perfect way to lose weight in no time all.
2Soluble Fiber
(Fat Trap: How to Avoid Putting on Those Extra Pounds)
If you are wondering how to lose weight permanently, then all you need to do is to go in for soluble fiber. When it comes to weight loss, soluble fiber acts both to curb the appetite as well as aid in removing harmful toxins from your body.
It also restricts calorie absorption by your body, thereby preventing your body from bulking up on fat. Moreover, a diet rich in soluble fiber such as oats, nuts, beans, Brussels sprouts and avocado can help your body regulate your blood sugar levels, reduce bad cholesterol in your body as well as aid in effective nutrient absorption and weight loss.
With a diet rich in soluble fiber, you should be able to avoid the fat trap and go in for permanent weight loss the natural way.
3Avoid Consuming Trans-Fats
(Fat Trap: Tips on Eating Healthy and Losing Weight)
When it comes to the fat trap and a permanent weight loss solution, one of the things that you can do is to avoid all the food stuffs containing trans-fats.
According to Pub MED, several studies have indicated clear linkages between spurt in abdominal obesity and foods containing high proportion of trans-fats.
So, if you are looking to lose weight, then one of the things that you need to do is to avoid all food items that lists trans-fats in its list of ingredients. The next time you are out purchasing your groceries, take the time to read the ingredients and you will be surprised to learn that most of the food items do contain high levels of trans-fats.
4Avoid Snack Food Binges
(Fat Trap: How to Avoid Putting on Those Extra Pounds)
If you are on a diet or trying to lose weight right away by curbing your appetite drastically, then chances are that you may end up putting more pounds on and getting into the fat trap. You need to avoid all snack food items, from French fries, potato wedges to chips.
As for the urban myth that snack foods do not add pounds to your waist is just that, an urban myth. So, if you have been wondering why it is so hard to keep weight off, then it could well be that you are binging on snack foods which are contributing to the weight gain.
5Start Consuming High Protein Diet
(Fat Trap: Tips on Eating Healthy and Losing Weight)
When it comes to tips on eating healthy and losing weight, you’ll find that a high protein rich diet would rank among the top ten.
One of the key reasons most dieticians would advise you to opt for a high protein diet in order to lose weight is because it induces release of PPP or the fullness hormone along with booting up your metabolism.
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So essentially with a high protein diet, you can eat less, avoid the fat trap and still feel full while accelerating your metabolic rate so that you burn up calories more efficiently.
So, if you were worried about keeping weight off after losing all those pounds, then a high protein rich diet should be perfect for you. Consult your dietician for suggestions on the same.
6Stay Away from Stress
(Fat Trap: Effective Tips on Eating Healthy and Losing Weight)
When it comes to the fat trap, the one thing that can drive up your abdominal fat happens to be the stress hormone, cortisol.
Various studies have highlighted the fact that as an uptick in Cortisol in your body can trigger hunger, drive appetite and even induce you to smoke and drink more – all of which can and will contribute you to adding on more pounds.
So, if you are looking to lose weight, then it is important that you try to relax as much, keep your stress levels within reasonable levels. Try a few home-based remedies such as yoga and meditation to bring your stress down.
Summing it up
When it comes to avoiding the fat trap, you will have to take a few proactive measures, and avoid stressful situations, change your daily pattern, exercise more and above all, eat healthy.
No one’s claiming that it is going to be easy to lose weight, it is not but it is certainly worthwhile losing weight the natural way rather than opting for a diet pill.
Obesity is no laughing matter, more to the point, according to WHO, it was determined that nearly 41 million children are obese and susceptible to diabetes, hypertension and other associated disorders.
So, you need to ask yourself as to what you are willing to give up for a permanent weight loss solution and avoid the fat trap