The Pros and Cons of Online Nursing School

Interested in being a nurse?

It’s a great career, according to a report estimated nationwide nursing shortage could reach 450,000, or 20 percent, by as early as 2025.

But if you already have full-time commitments, you might be put off at the idea of going back to school. Well, an online nursing school could be a great alternative.

But is studying online right for you? Let’s break the decision down with a list of pros and cons.

Pros of Online Nursing School

  1. You Can Fit It Around Your Schedule

If your life is hectic, studying at an online school could be a great alternative to traditional education.

You can study when you like – first thing in the morning, or just before you go to bed. Or, if you prefer, grab 10 or 20 minutes during breaks. Whatever your own learning style is, an online school could support it.

  1. More Choice

Studying locally means you’re stuck with whatever schools are within a reasonable travel range. If the schools around you don’t have a great reputation, or they’re prohibitively expensive, then they might not be good options for you.

If you’re not happy with that, an online nursing school can give you the flexibility to study at whatever school you like, regardless of where it is.

  1. It’s Cheaper

Without a physical location for students, an online school can be run much cheaper and those savings can be passed on. Online schools tend to have cheaper fees than their alternatives, making them a good choice for savers.

Make sure your financial health is in good shape before you take on any additional student loan debt by understanding these 10 ways to stay on top of your finances.

Cons of Online Nursing School

  1. You’re Responsible for Your Own Commitments to Study

If you attend an online school, you’re taking on far more of the responsibility to focus on your studies. You won’t have a professor to tell you off if you aren’t paying attention, as it’ll be up to you to find the time to learn.

It can be hard to stay on track, so if you decide to study remotely, be sure to take advantage of these distance learning tips.

  1. Limited Personal Communication

Nursing is a hands-on job, and an online school might not give you the personal experiences to effectively train and prepare you.

Studying in person gives you the chance to interact day-to-day with your peers, to learn with them and to experience the challenge together. It also gives you the chance to have more personal time with your tutors.

  1. They Aren’t Always Accredited

Not all schools are equal. If you’re studying at an online school that isn’t accredited, you won’t be able to take the necessary exams to become a registered or licensed nurse.

Ensure any course you sign up for is accredited by boards such as the ACEN or CCNE.

Study in a Way That Suits You

Don’t let your lifestyle be a barrier to your nursing career. If you’re interested in becoming a nurse, an online nursing school could work well.

Of course, if you prefer the idea of studying in a classroom, that’s fine too. You have the choice to determine how to study in a way that suits you.

Remember, if you choose to study online, you’re responsible for making the time to learn and to stay focused.

If you’re more inclined to daydream than study, why not look into how the effects of your procrastination could be a threat to your productivity?

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