5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Blood Clot Medication

Questions to Ask About Blood Clot Medication

If you suffer from a risk of blood clots, hopefully you’ve already talked to your doctor about what your options are.

Many people opt to go on blood clot medication at the recommendation of their doctor. Starting a regimen that consists of this life-saving method of prevention can be a big change in your life.

Before you begin your dosage of medication for blood clots, you should ask your doctor the below five questions. This will help you feel prepared and informed as you begin treatment for blood clots.

5 Questions to Ask About Blood Clot Medication

  1. What Exactly Is a Blood Clot?

Perhaps the most helpful question you can ask when hearing about a condition you’ll need medication for is what exactly your body is doing.

  • Where do blood clots come from?
  • How does blood clots form?
  • Are there ways to prevent blood clots?
  • What can blood clots do?

All of these things are topics of discussion that you and your doctor should cover prior to beginning your first dose of medication.

Blood clotting is a natural phenomenon in your body. After an injury, your blood will coagulate to stop the bleeding. As the injury heals, your body will dissolve the clot and everything returns to normal.

However, it’s when a clot forms inside a vein or artery without an injury that blood clotting becomes a problem. If a blood clot forms and your body does not dissolve it on its own, you have a problem on your hands.

This is a serious condition as it can lead to a stroke, pulmonary embolism, or worse. It is common to die or be seriously affected from a stroke. Clearly, it is imperative to have a handle on your risk of blood clots.

  1. Does Blood Clot Medication Have Any Side Effects?

This is an important question to ask before beginning to take any medication. You want to understand the risks and be aware if there are any side effects you should be looking for.

Because blood clot medication exists to thin your blood and discourage potentially deadly clots, it also has adverse side effects. Blood that’s too thin carries risks of its own.

Hemorrhaging, or excessive bleeding is one potential danger of taking blood clot medication.

You’ll want to avoid cuts or scrapes as much as possible because you’ll bleed much more than you’re used to.

Dosage must be just right, so talk to your doctor about how the both of you will monitor your health while you’re taking this prescription. There also may be side effects that are specific to the drug you’re taking, so just do your research and know what to expect.

  1. Where Can I Get This Medication?

Oftentimes, when it comes to where to get something like blood clot medication, you can find yourself caught up in way too much searching around on the Internet.

You may be simply looking up the eDrugSearch cost of Xarelto and then finding yourself down a rabbit hole on the Internet. Whether you prefer online pharmacies or running to the drugstore yourself, things could be different when it comes to medication for blood clots, so you can never be too sure.

Instead of spending all that time browsing the web, just ask your doctor for advice.

  • Where is the best way to get your blood clot medication?
  • What is the easiest way to go about it?

Sometimes, your doctor may have an alternative method for securing your medication. He or she has probably been doing this for a long time, so chances are they know what they’re talking about and could have recommendations for you that you would never have thought of on your own.

These are all questions your doctor is fully prepared to answer. Don’t spend too much of your valuable time trying to find the information yourself.

  1. What Else Can I Do to Discourage Blood Clots?

Getting a blood clot can be fatal. It’s definitely something you want to avoid as much as possible. Blood clot prevention can be half the battle.

In addition to taking medication, your doctor may also have other recommendations of tactics you can use to lessen your case of blood clots.

There may be dietary changes you can make or exercises you can do to help improve your health and reduce your risk of encountering a blood clot.

For example, some natural blood thinners you can take include Vitamin E and Vitamin C supplements, Omega 3 fatty acids, and gingko. Though these are not prescription medications, they can help keep your body in tip-top shape.

Switching your diet to incorporate more healthy fats and antibiotics like garlic, olive oil, onions, and blueberries can also be a huge help. You should also lead an active lifestyle and avoid harmful activities like smoking and sloth.

  1. How Long Do I Have to Take Blood Clot Medication?

This is something you’ll definitely want to know before beginning a prescription.

  • Will you have to take medication to prevent blood clots forever?
  • Can you ever get back to a place of being low risk when it comes to blood clots?
  • Will a change in diet and exercise habits get you to a state of not needing to take medication anymore?

Knowing what to expect before you begin is important. You should know whether taking medication is a short-term solution or if you’ll need to add this to your daily habits for the rest of your life.

Sometimes you might just need a round of treatment for 6 months, but other times your risk is greater. It may not change anything–you still have to do what you have to do–but it will help you feel better prepared and informed.

Blood Clots and You

Taking your health into your own hands is the only way to truly care for yourself and stay alive and well for as long as possible. When you have a risk of blood clots, you can’t afford to not figure out a plan.

Tell us in the comments if you would like to share your experience with something similar or if you have other questions about taking blood clot medication.

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