How to Prevent Fleas and Ticks on Dogs and Cats Safely
Getting rid of fleas and ticks on pets can be quite challenging. With high temperatures, these pesky bugs are waking up and looking out for their next meal ticket through dogs and cats. Protection against them using ticks and flea control in home is a must.
If you find one of them, be sure there are hundreds of others lurking. They could be quite harmful to your cats and dogs. These pests have a means of spreading like wildfire and it’s pure misery for your pets.
Learning Points
- How to kill fleas on dogs
- Natural flea and tick prevention for cats & dogs
Mindboggling Options
The market is full of options for flea treatment for dogs and cats. You have topicals and sprays for treatment for ticks in dogs. You can use shampoos and dips or just use a flea comb. It’s all so mind boggling, so where do you even begin? Well, read on to know the best preventive measures and treatment available at hand.
While considering preventives and treatment options for pets, give thought to your lifestyle and your pet type. For instance, if you can devote time regularly, go in for a collar and flea shampoo. However, for those with less time on their hands, just opt for a monthly topical. So weigh the options before you decide.
How to Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks on Dogs and Cats
Topicals – Tick Prevention for Dogs
Topical medications include powders and shampoos or on the spot treatment. Check out the bathing restrictions on the product. It is one of the best ways to kill fleas.
Use the liquid ones that you can squeeze into your dog/cat’s skin. The chemicals will paralyze or kill the fleas and ticks, regardless of the stage they are in. It also helps to repel other parasites like mosquitoes.
Another advantage of such pet topicals is that you only need to apply it once a month. It’s easy to apply as well.
Tip: use only products designed for your particular pet. Frontline Plus, Advantage II and Capstar Flea Control are good options.
However, there could be some side effects of flea and tick medications. For instance, if your dog/cat ingests it, it could lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Some even suffer from skin allergies, so check out the warning label before choosing a product.
Flea Collars for Pets
This is more of a preventive option and not a treatment. However, there are some collars that actually kill fleas and the larvae. They are better at fighting off ticks, as they are placed around the neck. This is the place where ticks gather.
You can get inexpensive flea and tick collars for ticks on dogs and cats at your grocery store or online.
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Put on the collar when the risks are higher – for instance, a romp through marshy areas. You can store it at other times. Try out the Seresto F&T Collar or the Scalibor Protector.
Are flea collars safe for cats? Yes, absolutely, but the problem with collars is that they are worn on the neck, so the hind legs stand unprotected. Moreover, a collar may not be a good option for fleas. There’s also medication present on the collar, so children could touch it and then put their hand on their eyes or mouth.
Oral Medications/Dog Flea Pills/Ingestibles
How to kill fleas on dogs and cats? You can give these ingestibles or flea medicines for dogs. The pills reach the bloodstream and make it inhospitable to fleas/ticks.
Capstar pills are great, with one pill being effective for more than 24 hours. If you want a long lasting option, try out Comfortis that can kill fleas up to a month. They are 99.9% effective in putting an end to fleas/ticks.
This type of tick protection for dogs is also very convenient to administer and are soft to chew. In fact, your pet could come to love it as a treat, as they are the safest flea treatments for cats and dogs. It’s convenient and inexpensive.
However, they are all prescription pills, so you need to consult your vet for options and get the prescription. Remember that medications created for dogs might not be safe for cats.
Cat/Dog Flea Shampoos for Tick Removal
You can make a homemade solution using liquid dish soaps with vinegar and some warm water. However, it might not be 100% effective. Use a store bought shampoo for killing fleas/ticks.
You need to routinely shampoo your pet throughout the year. Treat infested areas like ears in particular for dog ear ticks and also all over the hair coat. Leave it on for a few minutes and then wash it off.
Adams Plus is a best seller on Amazon. Hartz Ultra Guard also offers quick relief. Try the Vet’s Best 50 Count Flea and Tick Wipes for a quick wipe up.
Sprays for Cats/Dogs
Spray ons are quick and easy to use as a flea killer for dogs. It also protects surrounding areas, as there are many products that you can use on your upholstery and beds.
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Is flea treatment poisonous for humans? It is safe for children to handle pets once the spray is dry. They start working immediately and also come with a nice smell. They can be effective for about two months and also repel other parasites, like mosquitoes. However, for heavy infestations, you could repeat the spray every two weeks. Consult your vet.
Spray ons like Frontline and Sentry Natural Defense come with easy to use pumps.
Natural Methods – Home Treatment for Fleas on Cats
If you’re reluctant to try on these chemicals of if your pet is allergic to them, no worries. There are several natural methods that are safe and gentle and can eradicate fleas and ticks. These are great options offering non toxic flea control.
- Juices – Rub orange or lime juice on the fur. They are natural remedies for dog fleas.
- Use flea combs to remove adult fleas, as a natural flea and tick prevention for cats and dogs.
- Dip in the Tub – A good dip in a water tub can remove most of the fleas from your pet. Mildly brush your pet’s body to remove the rest.
- Flea and Tick Prevention – Add a natural flea predator like Nematodes in the yard. You can buy them at pet or garden stores. Try having fire ants or lady bugs in your yard, as they feast on fleas and could eat about 50 of them a day. These are great options for homemade flea and tick prevention for pets.
Wrap Up
Above all, it is important that you keep your home, pet beds and upholstery clean. Vacuum it regularly and disinfect floors and other living spaces of your pets. This will help control flea and ticks infestation on your cats.
Always read the instructions on the product labels and follow them strictly. Use only dog products for dogs and cat products for cats. Apply only the amount mentioned for your pets. Monitor your pets after using medications.
If you find your dog sick after flea treatment, bathe your pet with lots of water and a mild soap and contact your vet immediately. Here’s to Pet Parents – happy petting!!!