How to be an Organized Stay at Home Mom

You’re a stay at home mom, but you still feel 24 hours is just not enough. If you can learn how to get organized at home by using an organized mom planner printable, you’re well on your way to become a super cool mom.

If you have a full time job, you’re probably saying to yourself, ‘I want to be a stay at home mom. The grass on the other side is always greener. But becoming a stay at home mom, your family and friends expect your home to be spic and span. But to your dismay, it isn’t so.

The chores are never ending and you are baffled at how soon the time passes. I’ve seen moms who keep berating themselves that they’re not able to manage their home better.

I believe the solution lies in getting more organized. You need to write things down or, use apps and electronic calendars.

There are many ways to have an organized routine. This could free up a lot of time for stay at home moms.

So here are my top tips for stay at home moms to get more organized.

  1. Finding the Sweet Spot

We all have one. That’s the time when we feel charged and energetic. It’s a strongly positive mood when you feel you can get anything done. It could be early in the morning or it could be at noon.

Observe yourself and find your sweet spot. If you’re a stay home mom, do all the difficult tasks of the day, such as the laundry or shopping at that time.

  1. Planning Ahead for House Organization

You’re juggling myriad tasks every day. You need to attend the baby at home; send the kids to school; make breakfast; pack lunch boxes; get the laundry done and so much more.

Homemaking tasks are actually quite simple; it’s the lack of planning that makes them so cumbersome.

Use an organized mom planner. There are many free printables and checklists available for a stay at home mom planner to organize your home.

Use daily schedule maker templates that can make your life easier.  They can offer the best planner for stay at home mom.


Here is How to be an Organized Stay at Home Mom

The key to having everything under control for an organized stay at home mom is early planning. If only you can predict the activities of the next day, you’ll sleep better and be a happier less stressed mom.

Here’s a sample of a stay at home mom daily schedule:

  • Waking time (Get up earlier than the others. You can get a lot of work done)
  • Breakfast/lunch time (cooking and eating).
  • Taking care of babies/toddlers; scheduled nap times (Use a toddler schedule app).
  • Daily schedule for kids; take them to school, play time at the park; homework time.
  • Cooking dinner; family time.
  • TV time, reading stories to children, snuggle time, game time.
  • Work time (for work from home moms).
  • Established bed times for everyone (Routine is important as it creates order from chaos. Of course, you could break the routing once in a way).

Post up the routine on the wall so that everyone in the house can follow it. This way there is no confusion regarding meal times or sleep times.

  1. Prioritizing Yourself

You do need to take care of yourself amidst all these chores or you’ll lose your sanity within no time. Create a stay at home wife schedule to avoid stay at home mom depression issues:

  • Give priority to your sleep times if you are a stay at home mum.
  • Have morning rituals to take care of yourself; you could go jogging by yourself or go to the gym or the beauty salon.
  • Set apart some time for chatting with friends, at least twice a week.
  • Set a date night with your spouse, at least once in a month.
  • Take some time off from your stay at home mom routine; just remain seated and still; don’t do anything to be a stress-free stay at home mother.
  • Stick to work timings for work at home moms.
  1. A Special Task/Using Apps

Apart from your daily schedule for stay at home moms, pick a special task to do every day as a part of work for stay at home moms.

You could clean out the back yard one day or the baby’s room, your closet, the bathrooms or the kitchen or even the refrigerator. This routine slowly builds into a great habit.

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Get help with cleaning up using technology. It could actually make the tasks more enjoyable. Create digital lists. There are plenty of apps for cleaning/organizing, so download the ones that you see fit and get cracking on those chores.

For instance, there’s HomeRoutines, which is one of the home cleaning apps. It creates separate zones in the house. You need to focus on one zone every day for about 15 minutes to clean it up. Within a few days, you’ll find your house clean as a whistle, as the saying goes.

  1. Fun Activities for Stay at Home Moms

It can sometimes get lonely and depressing for a stay at home mom. You’re probably bone tired cooped up all day with your infant. You’re probably looking for somewhere to socialize.

Once you’ve organized your schedule, you can find time to attend cultural and social gatherings with your infant or kids.

  • Go to movies and museums with your kids.
  • An exercise class for mommies and kids could be real fun (no more babysitters needed).

Fun Activities for Stay at Home Moms

  • There are plenty of classes for shaping up with fitness experts where you could go with your toddlers.
  • Spend time on hobbies for stay at home moms like knitting; painting; drawing; Sewing; soap making or flower arrangement; card making; scented candle making, baking. I could go on and on. Getting organized at home takes your mind of the stress of home making and you come back to your tasks rejuvenated.

No more battling with stress and emotions mommies!! Follow these tips and you’re well on your way to become the coolest mom ever.

After just a few weeks of getting organized, you might just realize that you’re finishing your routine and have plenty of time to spare as well.

That’s the power of organization and habit. It’s only the first step of getting organized that seems to be a hurdle. Once that’s done, the ball keeps rolling.

When you’re successfully able to finish small tasks throughout the day, you get motivated to tackle the bigger problems more capably. So, fight off those blues of a stay at home mom with these tips.

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