10 Family Outing Ideas Your Little Ones Will Enjoy

Family Outing Ideas for Your Little Ones

Looking to get your family out of the house and into a fun activity?

Tired of spending all your time indoors staring at a tv screen together?

Don’t get stuck doing the same activities week after week. You and your kids need a change of pace to make life interesting.

Whether you’re outdoorsy by nature or prefer technology, this list will have something for you.

Read on for ideas on how to have the perfect family outing

  1. 1Lock Yourselves in an Escape Room

Going to an escape room is a unique and team-building family outing.

There are plenty of child-friendly escape rooms to try with your kids. Kids escape rooms are excellent ways to watch your child practice their problem-solving skills.

At an escape room, you and your family will have one hour to solve a series of puzzles and “escape” before time is up.

  1. 2Attend a Board Game Night

Many board game stores host themed game nights that are totally free to participate in. You don’t even have to bring your own games to these, as they have demo games for you to play.

Your children can spend an evening meeting new people and exercise their minds with a new game rather than simply sitting around watching reruns at home.

Board games are excellent for your child’s cognition.

  1. 3Visit a Museum

Take a look at what museums your city has to offer. Many cities have a children’s museum that offers all the things your children will love.

Art museums are also great for expanding your child’s mind and teaching them about different cultures.

  1. 4Do a Family Triathlon

As a parent, the health and wellness of your children is always at the front of your mind.

It’s important that kids are exercising at least 30 minutes a day. In order to make exercise more fun for them, why not create your own family version of a triathlon?

Set up a course in your neighborhood that involves biking a short distance, jogging a short distance, and then finishing it off by swimming in you or a neighbor’s pool.

Use yogurt lids to make you and your kids fake medals for participating. When you get the whole family involved in exercising together, it becomes a fun activity for them rather than a chore.

  1. 5Try New Cuisines

Many children are picky eaters because they’re not exposed to a variety of foods early on.

Don’t limit your child to just chicken nuggets and peas. Show them the cuisines of the world by taking them to different restaurants.

Chinese noodles, Mexican quesadillas, and mild Indian curries are all foods your child could love if they’re exposed to them.

Take your time to tell your child about different cultures while you’re at the restaurant. Teach them to be mindful of and interested in other cultures.

  1. 6Take a Trip

A weekend is long enough to take your children out of town.

Make an effort to not stay at home every weekend and instead take your children on adventures.

You don’t have to plan them all yourself, try looking into travel sites that will help you.

  1. 7Visit a Theme Park

Theme parks are fun for the entire family.

Obviously, the ultimate family theme park would be Disney World, but distance and expense make it an impossibility for some families.

Even small, off-brand theme parks will be thrilling for your little ones. Simply find a place with a few rides and some greasy theme park food and they’ll be happy.

  1. 8Support Your Local Theatre

Local theaters are putting on plays year round that many people don’t even know about.

Instead of heading to a blockbuster movie, take your kids to a play. Many plays are family friendly and many are even geared towards children.

Your kids will love the opportunity to see people sing, dance, and act on stage right in front of their eyes.

  1. 9Hit Some Balls

Mini golf balls, that is. Mini golfing is a classic and kid-friendly activity.

Mini golf is a great way to engage with your kids in a fun, outdoor manner. Plus, as long as they have the putter in their hands they won’t be able to be glued to their phones.

Putt putt is also a great way for little ones to learn fine motor skills. It’s a wholesome and enjoyable family outing.

  1. 10Go to a Trampoline Center

Jumping on a trampoline is one of the absolute best cardiovascular exercises. It’s also incredibly fun.

Many trampoline centers host bouncing fitness classes as well as trampoline dodgeball games. You and your kids will leave the trampoline center feeling happy and extra bouncy.

Plus, it’s a great way to get energy out of your kids on a rainy afternoon. If they have to be cooped up inside, they may as well be cooped up inside where they can bounce on a giant trampoline.

Let Us Know How You Enjoy Your Family Outing

We hope you choose one of the activities on this list for your next family outing.

The most important thing about a family outing is that you’re all spending time together. Kids grow up so fast and you want to make sure you plan outings instead of spending all your free time in front of the television.

Plan outings that will be beneficial for your child’s growth, whether that’s physically, intellectually, or emotionally.

Outings that make your child think will be remembered. They might even find a hobby that later turns into a career.

Have questions about this article? Want to tell us about your ideal family outing? Please contact us here.

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10 Family Outing Ideas Your Little Ones Will Enjoy